Geri Dön

For more information of Erasmus at Piri Reis, please visit our page in English

Piri Reis University is a maritime university located at the town of Tuzla, on the cost of the Sea of Marmara and approximately 35 km from the city center. The language of instruction at Piri Reis University is English.

For exchange programs, the Erasmus Office of the university ( acts as the contact point between a student’s home institution and Piri Reis University from the day of application until the completion of the exchange period.

Bilateral agreements under the Erasmus program were signed with the following partner institutions:


·     Estonian Maritime Academy/Estonia

·     Jade University of Applied Sciences/Germany

·     Latvian Maritime Academy/Latvia

·     Mircea Cel Batran Naval Academy/Romania

·     Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy/ Bulgarian

·     Università degli Studi di Genova/İtalya

·     Università degli Studi di Trieste/İtalya

·     Universitatea Maritima Constanta/Romania

·     University of Freiburg / Germany

·     University of Ljubljana /Slovenia

·     University of Lodz / Poland

·     University of Piraeus / Greece

·     University of Rijeka/Croatia

·     University of Ujep / Czech Pepublic

·     Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya / Spain

·     Technishe Universitat Dresden /Germany

·     Transilvania University of Brasov/ Ronanya

·     West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin/ Poland 

Application Form Learning Agreement