Course Objectives
1. To provide students systems modeling using simulation, statistical models in simulation.
2. To teach students the key concepts that are crucial for discrete event simulation such as random number and variate generation, input modeling, verification and validation.
Course Learning Outcomes
By students who passed course Logistic Simulation successfully
- Understand basic concepts of simulation modeling,
- Learn to model a systems using discrete event simulation,
- Learn to implement simulation models in Arena,
- Develop skills for analyzing inputs and outputs of a simulation model,
- Be able to verify and validate a simulation model.
Instructional Methods and Techniques
The presentation of theoretical and practical techniques, software applications, and pop-up quizzes.
Text Books:
Discrete Event System Simulation (5th ed.), Banks, J. Carson, J.S, Nelson, Barry, L. N, Nichol, D. M., Prentice Hall, 2010.
Simulation with Arena (4th ed.), Kelton, D.W., Sadowski, R.P., Sturrock, D.T., McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Additional References:
Simulation Modeling and Analysis with Expertfit Software (4th ed.), Law, A., McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Simulation, (4th ed.) Ross, S.M., Academic Press; 2006.