Course Description
In this course, the students will learn the history of humanity since the inception of the primitive societies until Middles Ages. The course will examine the societal-cultural-geographical-artistic-scientific-religious-political-judicial and economic structure of the societies and how these features of the societies have been developed and changed over the ages. The student can observe the recent situation of the societies by looking at their historical trajectories, scientific revolutions, economic changes, social transformations. Besides, the students will also learn the political and societal thoughts and ideologies behind this historical progress.
Course Objectives
-The main object of this course is to give the students a point of view regarding the historical context of the modern societies.
-To teach the students that agent of everything is “human”
-The students will be able to analyze the dynamics of the modern societies and reinterpret these societies’ position and relation in the international order, from a multi-dimensional perspective.
-Alaaddin Şenel, “Kemirgenlerden Sömürgenlere İnsanlık Tarihi”, İmge Yayınları
-Philip J. Adler and Randall L. Pouwels, “World Civilizations”, Thomson Publishing
-Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları, “İmparatorluktan Tanrı Devlete”, İmge Yayınları
-Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları, “Tanrı Devletten Kral Devlete”, İmge Yayınları
-Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları, “Kral Devletten Ulus Devlete”, İmge Yayınları