Circuit Analysis II
Degree: Bachelor
Course Implementation, Hours/Week
ECTS Credits
EEE 211
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Assist. Prof Dr. Atilla Uygur
Contact Information
Office Hours
Friday 09:00-14:20
Web page
Course Type
Course Prerequisites
Phys 112
Course Category
by Content, %
Basic Sciences
Engineering Science
Engineering Design
Course Description
The course contents are natural and step response of RLC circuits, sinusoidal steady state analysis of circuits, sinusoidal steady state power calculations, balanced three phased circuits, introduction to the Laplace transform, Laplace transform in circuit analyysis, introduction to frequency selective circuits, active filter circuits, fourier series analysis, fourier transfom and two port circuits. Ödevler, uygulama soruları ve laboratuvar çalışmaları da dersin önemli bileşenleri arasındadır
Course Objectives
- Students learn to analyze the natural and step responses RLC circuits and understand steady state techniques in solving circuit equations. They use Laplace transform for solving time domain circuit equations by replacing their frequency domain counterparts
- Students will attend to problem solving sessions, where they receive additional instruction related to analysis and design tasks.
- Students work in teams of 2-4 to design and analyze circuits in the laboratory sessions.
- Students solve, characterize, and study circuits problems, behaviors, and frequency responses, the Laplace and Fourier series analysis methods.
- Students are introduced to basic concepts of personal accountability, professional ethics and appropriate team interactions.
- Students also develop their circuit analysis skills by solving several assesment problems throughout semester.
Course Learning Outcomes
- know and be able to use SI units, the definitions of voltage, current, power and energy.
- understand the symbols for and behavior of the ideal basic circuit elements.
- be able to state Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s laws and be able to use them to analyze simple circuits.
- know to solve equivalent resistance, design voltage divider and current divider, use delta-to-wye equivalent circuits.
- understand and be able to use the node-voltage and mesh-current methods, source transformation, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, maximum power transfer.
- be able to analyze simple circuits in frequency domain by using either steady state analysis or Laplace and Fourier series methods.
- know and be able to use the equations for voltage, current, power, and energy in inductors, capacitors, and understand basic concept of mutual inductance.
- be able to determine the natural and step response of RL, RC and RLC circuits and understand balanced three phase circuits, active filters and two port circuits.
- be able to transform a circuit with sinusoidal source into frequency domain and analyze circuits containing linear and ideal transformers using phasor methods.
Instructional Methods and
Recitation by the use of power point presentations, problem solving exerxises, MATLAB/Simulink simulations, and laboratory experiments.
Tutorial Place
Regular class rooms for recitation and problem solving exercises, and electronics laboratory for experimentation.
Co-term Condition
PHYS 112 (Physics II).
- James W. Nilsson and Susan A. Riedel, Electric Circuits, 10/E (International Edition), Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN -13: 978-0-13-705051-2 and ISBN-10 : 0-13-705051-8.
- Ottomar Beucher and Michael Weeks, Introduction to MATLAB & SIMULINK, 3/E : A Project Approach, Infinity Science Press, 2007. ISBN-13 : 978-19-34015049.
Other References
- -Charles K. Alexander, Foundations of Electric Circuits, McGraw-Hill, 2013. ISBN-13: 978-1-259071393.
- Mahmood Nahvi, Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits, 6 /E, McGraw-Hill, 2013. ISBN -13 : 978-0-071830454.
Homework & Projects
- Assignments are chosen from your textbook and can be found below the title “Assessment Problems” in each chapter.
- Homework will be assigned each week and will be due the following week. For example; Homework-1 is assigned in week-1 and will be submitted in week-2 before the lecture in which Solution-1 is provided.
- All homework assignments must be submitted as hardcopies, and they should be turned in at the beginning of lecture on the due date.
- Late homework will not be accepted.
- Each assignment will be worth 100 points.
- You are only allowed to do the homework alone.
- You will have an quiz at the beginning of each problem solution session.
- During quizes, you may use your own notes, but nothing else is allowed—i.e., no books, no collaboration, no laptops, no mobile phones etc.
- Your lowest quiz/homework score will be dropped.
Laboratory Work
- Laboratory sessions will be conducted in three stages: simulation, experimentation and report generation.
- Students must prepare the simulation file(s) and notes related to each week’s experiment before the laboratory session.
- Laboratory reports should be turned in at the beginning of the following week’s lab session.
- The reporting format is available on the pru-online platform.
Computer Use
MATLAB will be used for circuit designs, experiments and calculations.
Other Activities