Control Systems
Degree: Bachelor
Course Implementation, Hours/Week
ECTS Credits
EEE 312
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Prof. Dr. Erkan ZERGEROĞLU
Contact Information
Office Hours
Monday 13:00-14:00
Web page
Course Type
Course Prerequisites
Linear Algebra and Differential Eqautions
Course Category
by Content, %
Basic Sciences
Engineering Science
Engineering Design
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of control systems engineering. The course emphasizes the practical applications of control engineering subject to the analysis and design of feedback systems. The study of control systems engineering is essential for students pursuing degrees in electrical, mechanical, aerospace, computer or chemical engineering. Control systems are found in broad range of applications within these disciplines (from aircraft navigation systems to robotics and process control systems). The course is suitable for 3rd or 4th year (upper-division) college and university engineering students. Students are expected to complete an elementary course on physics and mathematics including differential equations and linear algebra. Basic knowledge of Laplace Transformation is also assumed.
Course Objectives
The course is basically an introduction to the control systems, analşysis and design methoıds. Speciafiacally design and analysis of basic feedback and linear control systems are introduced to electrical and electronics engineering majors.
- Students learn the fundamentals of feedback and use of feedback in design and analysis of control systems
- Students learn how to model control systems (emphasisi will focus on electrical systems) şn tşme and frequency domains.
- Students study, charactize first and second order systems and evaluate the stability characteristics of them..
- Students are introduced toblock diagram represetations for control systems
- Students will learn how to anaşyse and design controllers using root-locus, Bode diagram and Nyquist Plots
Course Learning Outcomes
- know and be able to use SI units,
- understand the importance of system modelling and feedback.
- be able to model systems formed by simple electrical/mechanical components .
- Convert differential equations to state space from. Know how to convert state equations into frequency domain counterpart.
- Understand and be able to determine the stability of a system or a dynamical equation around an equalibrium point.
- Use and understand block diagram representation for a feedback system. Able to convert block diagrams into signal flow diagrams. Be able to extract closed loop transfer function from block diagram representation or sginal flow diagrams
- Know how a First/Second order system responce to an impulse, a step, and a ramp input.
- Know the definitiıns of rise time, setling time stateady state error in control systems.
- Know the basic definition for the root loci of a system. Use root locus for the design and analysis of feedback systems
- Use Bode and Nyquist plots in the analysis and design of control systems
- Know the design steps of lead, lag and lead-lag compansators.
- Know basic linearization techniques for state space systems.
Instructional Methods and
Recitation by the use of power point presentations, problem solving exerxises, Computer simulations.
Tutorial Place
Co-term Condition
PHYS 121 (Physics II).
- Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 5/E, Prentice Hall, 2009. ISBN-10: 0136156738 ISBN-13: 9780136156734.
- Katsuhiko Ogata, Matlab for Control Engineers, 5/E, Prentice Hall, 2008. ISBN-10: 0136150772 , ISBN-13: 9780136150770.
Other References
- Dorf and Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 12 /E, Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN-10: 0136024580, ISBN-13: 9780136024583.
Homework & Projects
- Assignments are chosen from your textbook
- Homework will be assigned each week and will be due the following week. For example; Homework-1 is assigned in week-1 and will be submitted in week-2 before the lecture in which Solution-1 is provided.
- All homework assignments must be submitted as hardcopies, and they should be turned in at the beginning of lecture on the due date.
- Late homework will not be accepted.
- Each assignment will be worth 100 points.
- You are only allowed to do the homework alone.
Other Activities