Course Name: Introduction to Business
Degree: UGr
Local Credits
ECTS Credits
Course Implementation, Hours/Week
UİT 113
½ (Fall)
Economy and Finance
Asst. Prof. Aykut Arslan
Contact Information
Office Hours
Thursday 13:30-15:30
Web page
PRU Online
Course Type
Course Language
Course Prerequisites
Course Description
The changing face of business, business ethics and social responsibility, competing in world markets, forms of business ownership and organization, starting your own business: the entrepreneurship alternative, management, leadership, and the internal organization, human resource management; human resource management: from recruitment to labor relations, top performance through empowerment, teamwork, and communication, production and operations management, customer-driven marketing, product and distribution strategies, promotion and pricing strategies, financial system.
Course Objectives
- Examine basic business science methods and how these interact with other disciplines
- Introduce general knowledge of basic business functions (finance, marketing, etc.) which also include lectures, ethics and professional standards.
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course the student will be able to
- Define the position and importance of businesses within economic and social life
- Explain businesses with their inputs, outputs, processes, environment, systems, and sub-systems dimensions and their interactions with each other as well as with other businesses.
- Meet the basic literature regarding business and management, and remember the terms such as competition, entrepreneurship, business size, etc.
- Define the businesses as the basic component of economic life and relate them to environmental actors such as state, politics, education, labor unions, customers, etc.
- Conceptualize businesses with all their shareholders
- Get prepared for their coming lectures such as marketing, finance, accounting, HR, logistics, behavioral sciences, etc. and grasp the relation and importance of these lectures with businesses
- Categorize different business types and compare them
Instructional Methods and Techniques
Lectures, discussions and case analyses.
Tutorial Place
Contemporary Business, 14th Edition Authors : Louis E.
Boone, David L. Kurtz Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
2011. ISBN: # 978-0-470-53129-7
Other References
Bulut gelir Söke’ye çek eşeği köşeye, Arman KIRIM, Sistem
İşletme Yönetimine Giriş, Prof.Dr.Ömer Dinçer/Doç.Dr.Yahya
Fidan, Alfa Yayıncılık
İşletme, S.Kadri Mirze, Literatür Yayıncılık
Homework & Projects
Students should prepare 3 take home exams each of which requires field work and reporting of analyses.
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other Activities