Course Name : Microeconomics
Degree: Bachelor
Local Credits
ECTS Credits
Course Implementation, Hours/Week
EF 213
Economics and Finance
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burhan Can Karahasan
Contact Information
Office Hours
Thursday 15:00-17:00 / Friday 11:00-12:00
Web page
Course Type
Course Language
Course Prerequisites
EF 111 (special condition)
Course Category by Content, %
Basic Sciences
Engineering Science
Engineering Design
Course Description
Introduction, Demand and Supply Framework, Elasticity, Utility Theory, Producer Theory, Profit Maximization, Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Game Theory, Asymmetric Information, Market Intervention
Course Objectives
Microeconomics introduces an “economic way of thinking” and method of analysis in order to examine economic markets and human behavior. Microeconomics focuses on how choices are made (both at individual consumer and also producer level), how scarce resources are allocated among alternative ends, and how markets operate. Emphasis is placed on the operation of product and resource markets, the role of “prices” as signals, and decision‐making by consumers, firms, workers, and government. The course provides students with the ability to use economic analysis (in particular, a demand‐supply framework) and economic reasoning to better understand a variety of economic activities, as well as providing preparation for further study in economics.
Course Learning Outcomes
By students who passed from EF 213 will successfully
- Be able to solve a linear demand-supply system, find the equilibrium output/quantity and be able to graph the functions.
- Be able to evaluate the elasticity concept by defining the relationship between change in prices and change in quantity.
- Be able to define the basic concepts of consumer and utility theory
- Be able to assess the trade-off between risk and return
- Be able to explain the structure of production and related concepts of producer theory.
- Be able to distinguish the difference between different market structures.
- Be able to evaluate the pricing behavior under different completion level.
- Be able to define and evaluate different economic pay-offs under differing strategic behavior
- Be able evaluate different forms of market asymmetries market efficiency
Instructional Methods and Techniques
The presentation of theory.
Tutorial Place
Co-term Condition
- MICROECONOMICS, Pindyck R.S. and Rubinfeld D.L. (8th Edition, Pearson)
- INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS, Hal R. Varian (9th, W. W. Norton & Company)
Other References
Additional readings will be handled out during the term
Homework & Projects
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other Activities
Pop-up quizzes.