
Financial Statements and Analysis

Course Name : Financial Statements and Analysis

Degree: Bachelor







Local Credits


ECTS Credits


Course Implementation, Hours/Week




EF 223

2/2 (spring)







Department of Economics and Finance

Department of International Management and Trade

Department of Maritime Business Management

Department of Management Information Systems



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Engin Kurun

Contact Information



Office Hours

Tuesday 14:00- 16:00

Web page

Course Type


Course Language


Course Prerequisites

  EF 212

Course Category by Content, %

Basic Sciences

Engineering Science

Engineering Design






Course Description

Students in the light of their basic accounting and financial reporting knowledge will gain the ability to examine the status of companies in a financial perspective. They will understand the appropriate reporting processes that companies are required to follow in shape and presentation within the scope of national and international standards with an emphasis on IFRS. Hence, they will learn how to use financial information to analyze the performance of companies and in the decision-making process according to future expectations.


Course Objectives


1. To provide students with knowledge and skills required for reading, understanding and preparing financial statements.

2. To prepare students towards financial analysis problems in their programme.


Course Learning Outcomes


By students who passed from EF 223 successfully

  1. Understand the accounts on a balance sheet.
  2. Understand an income statement.
  3. Interpret a statement of cash flows.
  4. Perform and understand ratio analysis.
  5. Perform and understand trend analysis.
  6. Understand the different objectives of financial statement analysis.
  7. Perform an assessment of earnings quality.

Instructional Methods and Techniques

Teaching method involves interactive lectures and case studies, practical implementation of analytical tools (excel spreadsheet). Each participant should prepare research paper on selected subjects.

Tutorial Place


Co-term Condition



Subramanyam, K. R. And Wild, J.J., Financial Statement Analysis, 10th Edition, New York, NY, McGraw- Hill Irwin, 2009.

Other References

  • Easton, P.D., McAnally, M.L., Sommers, G.A., Zhang, X.J, Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation, 4th edition, Cambrige Business Publishers, 2015.
  • Penman, S., Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 4th edition, McGraw- Hill Irwin, 2009.
  • Akgüç, Ö., Finansal Yönetim, 8. Baskı, Ocak 2013.

Homework & Projects

Students  will be required to solve problems presented in worksheet includes some problems, to aid their efforts to follow the development of the course content and to prepare for the examinations and to read some parts from the chapters of course book. And also, they will present a project about “financial analysis of industrial companies in Borsa Istanbul” as part I and part II until the end of the spring semester.

Laboratory Work


Computer Use

Students will prepare their projects based on an excel template.

Other Activities
