Course Name : Money and Banking
Degree: Bachelor
Local Credits
ECTS Credits
Course Implementation, Hours/Week
EF 321
3/2 (Spring)
Economics and Finance
Asst. Prof. Dr. S. Meral Çakıcı
Contact Information
Office Hours
Monday 10:00- 12:00
Web page
Course Type
Course Language
Course Prerequisites
EF 221
Course Description
This course aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of monetary theory and policy, banking, and financial institutions. Motivation to study money and financial intermediation, definition and role of money, money and its linkage with inflation, interest rates and business cycles, the quantity theory of money, money supply process, monetary policy tools, central banking and conduct of monetary policy, banking and management of financial institutions, financial markets, efficient market hypothesis, financial regulation, and financial crises are among the topics to be covered in this course.
Course Objectives
1. To equip students with the fundamentals of monetary theory and policy as well as banking
2. To enable students to establish the connection of money to inflation, interest rates and business cycles
3. To provide students with general information regarding monetary policy tools, central banking and conduct of monetary policy
4. To enable students to follow current issues related to financial markets, financial institutions, financial regulation and financial crises
Course Learning Outcomes
Students that complete the Money and Banking-EF 321 course successfully are able to
- Identify the functions of money and financial intermediation
- Explain the relationship of money with inflation, interest rates and business cycles
- Describe and interpret the quantity theory of money
- Explain monetary policy tools, central banking and conduct of monetary policy
- Explain management of financial institutions, efficient market hypothesis, financial regulation and financial crises
Instructional Methods and Techniques
Presentation of Theory, Discussion and Presentation of Selected Literature
Tutorial Place
Co-term Condition
“The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets” by Frederic S. Mishkin, Pearson, 11th Edition, 2016.
Other References
Homework & Projects
Students are assigned benchmark papers from the related literature to get prepared for a presentation in class, which will constitute 20% of the evaluation for grade.
Laboratory Work
Computer Use