Course Description
Mechatronics technology gained an important place in our daily lives .
Additionally mechatronics technology and products of this technology has been offering a great usage percentage in our daily life both in private and in business. Course in the overall, will cover those foundation stones of the mechatronics namely, all mechanical, hydraulic , pneumatic, electrical, electronic-based and computer-controlled equipment, tools, hardware and software systems. Basic knowledge , definitions , principles of the mechatronic technological infrastructure , its design, applications, usage and to trouble fault detections in such sophisticated technology will the key items to be described for this course.
Course Objectives
The main objective is to provide the students the basic information , principles and knowledge within the field of application of the mechatronics for the sample ones listed below ;
• safety systems in vehicles , ABS brakes systems , remote controlled door locks,
cruise driving and control systems , motor and power control, safety systems of
passengers in vehicles
• NC, CNC , AC types of machine tools and other automatic production machines
• copy machines, fax machines, electronic typewriters and similar office machines
• MR devices, arthroscopic instruments, ultrasonic probes and other similar medical
• Auto -focus cameras , video cameras, video , CD and DVD players , CD recording
and similar electronic devices for personal use
• Laser printers, hard disk head positioners , recorder drivers and loaders
• Welding robots , in-plant self- directed vehicles ( AGV) , exploration robots
which are used in space explorations mine disposal robots for military purposes ,
the bomb carrier and like traveling (mobile) robots,
• Flight simulators, landing systems, cockpit controls and the like aircraft systems
and devices,
• automatic garage door opening systems, security systems, air-conditioning control
systems for home and office applications
• Washing machines, dishwashers, automatic ice machines and other home
• Variable speed drill tools, digital torque wrenches and similar equipments
• Material testing equipment and like laboratory instruments
• Barcoding systems, conveyor systems, and the like factory automation systems
• Manual and automatic controlled hydraulic cranes and like material handling and
construction machineries,
• Camera control in automatic labeling, in quality control, and packaging
applications ,
Course Learning Outcomes
Once the course has successful been completed following the outcomes listed as below, students will gain the skills and will have the basics of the usage and practical applications of those sampled mechatronic systems together with basic information for locating faults in such systems ;with the course content ;
I.Mechatronic system design methods, modeling and simulation of physical
II. Sample applications of mechatronics, computer controlled systems or
electromechanical systems, examples used in the products design
III.Software and samples of artificial intelligence techniques used in mechatronics
IV Basic definitions, information for electrical circuits and components in
mechatronic systems ,
V. Semiconductors used and electronic functions in the systems,
VI. Analog signals used in the system together with operational amplifiers,
their types and other auxiliary circuits,
VII. The basic functions of digital electronic circuits in the system and definitions of
their constituent components ,
VIII. Micro-controllers in the system, processors, and interfacing of all ,
IX. Basics and information on transformation of (analog / digital) data that holds
an important place in the operation of the system data information
X. Sensors, position and speed measurements,digital optical coders- decoders,
stress and strain , measurements of temperatures with thermal and thermo
thermistors - transmitters, vibration and acceleration measurements, different
actuators (actuators)
XI. Mechatronic systems signals , control structure and sampling s,
XII. Basic information on measurements of the parameters and the methodologies
to find the failures, faults and to maintaine the functions of mechatronic
systems components and / or key elements.
1.M. B. Histand, D. G. Alciatore, Introduction to Mechatronics and
Measurement Systems, McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1998.
2- G. Rzevski (Ed.), Mechatronics, Volume 1: Perception, Cognition and
Execution, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. 1995.
3- W. Bolton, Mechatronics, Longman Group Ltd. 1995.
4.Mechatronics: Mechanical System Interfacing, by D. M. Auslander
5.Mechatronics: Electromechanics and Contromechanics, by D. K. Miu
6.Shetty, D. and Kolk, R.A. (1997) Mechatronics System Design, PWS
Publishing Company.
7.Tomkinson, D. and Horne, J.,Mechatronics Engineering, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1996.
8. D. Popovic, L. Vlacic (editors), Mechatronics in Engineering Design
and Product Development, Marcel-Dekker, New York, 1999.
Other References
1.Uygulamalı hidrolik ve hidroloji H.Yaşar KUTOĞLU MEB
2.Hidrolik kumanda sistemleri M.Emin ZORKUN MEB
3.Akkuş N., Mekatronik Sistem Tasarımı Ders Notları, M. Ü. Teknik
Eğitim Fakültesi, Mekatronik Bölümü, 2006.
3.Auslander, D. M. and Kempf, C. J.,Mechatronics: Mechanical System
Interfacing, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996.
4.Harshama, F., Tomizuka, M., and Fukuda, T., “Mechatronics—What
is it, why, and how?—an editorial,”IEEE/ASME Transactions on
Mechatronics,Vol. 1, No. 1, 1996, pp. 1–4.
5. Kyura, N. and Oho, H., “Mechatronics—an industrial perspective,”
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1996, pp.
V 10–15.
6.Coelingh, H.J., de Vries, T.J.A., van Amerongen, J., Design support
for motion control systems—application to the Philips fast component
mounter, in Mechatronics Forum 7th Int. Conf., Mechatronics2000,
Atlanta, Ga, USA.
7. Van Amerongen, J., Coelingh, H.J., de Vries, T.J.A., “Computer
support for mechatronic control system design,” Robotics and
Autonomous Systems, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 249–260, PII: SO921-8890
(99)00090-1, 2000.
8.C.W. de Silva, Mechatronics: an Integrated Approach, Bölüm 13, CRC
Press, Florida, 2004.