Course Description
Principles of electromechanical control, conventional systems, basic electromechanical control elemens (relais, circuit breaker, thermal magnetic circuit breaker, sensors, start-stop buttons, proximity switch, switches ie., construction, circuit symbols, operating principles, electromechanical control circuits and examples
Industrial Automation, programmable logic controllers, structure, linear programming step by step, main functions, circuits and examples, practical applications
Open loop and closed loop control, operation and behavior of control circuits, measurements, control systems and their types, proportional control, differential control, derivative control, PID control and maritime applications
Course Objectives
The main objectives of the course, as stated below are to ensure that students are going to achieve the basis of the followings and required skills needed;
• the basic elements of Automation
• Sensors, characteristics, types of
• Analog-digital and digital-analog converters
• Control systems
• Analog and digital open / closed loop control systems
• On-off and PID controllers, distortionary effects and alignment/ tunning
• Measurement and data collection
• Fundamentals of Instrumentation
• Basic concepts in process of measurement
Signal transmission
• Operational Amplifiers
• Feedback Techniques
• Examples of ships automation and control systems
Course Learning Outcomes
Achievement of basic knowledge and skills needed, for the below listed outcomes will be the fundemental advantages of the students once the course has successfully been completed ;
I. The basic structural elements of the automation systems
II. The working principle of the sensors, types and their characteristics
III. The basics of Control Systems , types and their properties
IV. Analog / Digital Converters
V. Principles of measurement and data collection
VI. Instrumentations used in measurement , measuring terms,
and principles to be observed
VII. Principles of feedback in control and automation
VIII . Maritime and industrial samples of the subject systems
IX. Applied examples used on board of the ships