Course Description
Numbers used in Digital Electronics, Binary Numbers, Hexadecimal Numbers, 2s Complement Numbers, Binary Codes, Weighted Binary Codes, Alphanumeric Codes, Basic Logic Gates, AND Gate, OR Gate, NOT Gate, Combining Logic Gates, Using Practical Logic Gates, Other Logic Gates, NAND Gate, NOR Gate, Exclusive-OR Gate, Exclusive-NOR Gate, Converting Gates When Using Inverters, NAND as a Universal Gate, Using Practical Logic Gates, Simplifying Logic Circuits: Mapping, Sum-of Products Boolean Expressions, Product-of Sums Boolean Expressions, Using De Morgan’s Theorems, Using NAND Logic, Using NOR Logic, Karnaugh Maps, Karnaugh Maps with Four Variables, TTL and CMOS ICS, Digital IC Terms, TTL Integrated Circuits, CMOS Integrated Circuits, D/A and A/D Conversion, Characteristics and Interfacing, Code Conversion, Encoding, Decoding:BCD to Decimal, Decoding BCD to Seven Segment Code, Binary Arithmetic and Arithmetic Circuits, Binary Addition and Subtraction, Flip-Flops and Other Multivibrators, RS Flip Flop, Clocked RS Flip Flop, D-Flip Flop, JK Flip Flop, Triggering of Flip Flops Astable and Monostable Multivibrators
Course Objectives
The main objectives of the course, as stated below are to ensure that students are going to achieve the basis of the followings and required skills needed;
• the basic principles od Digital Electronics and Design
• Binary Codes,
• Logic Gates and related Expressions, Mapping
• TTL and CMOS Technology,
• Code Conversion,
• Binary Arithmetic and Circuits,
• Flip Flops,
• Multivibrators.
Course Learning Outcomes
Achievement of basic knowledge and skills needed, for the below listed outcomes will be the fundemental advantages of the students once the course has successfully been completed ;
I. The basic structural elements of digital logic
II. The principles of digital gates
III. The basics of Simplifying Logic Circuits
IV. TTL and CMOS Technology
V. Code Conversion
VI. Binary Arithmetic and Arithmetic Circuits
VII. Flip Flops and Multivibrators