Course Description
Electrical safety, MKS unit system, current, voltage, power, energy, discriptions and circuit parameters, active and passive circuit elements, voltage and current sources, R, L, C passive circuit elements, Kirchhoff’ s rules, voltage and current divider, mean and effective values of electrical quantities, sinusoidal currents and voltages, impedance, RL and RC series circuits, series and parallel connected circuits, DC and AC, power and energy measurements, complex numbers, real and imaginary numbers, presentation of complex numbers, arithmetic operations with complex numbers, complex impedance and phasors, series and parallel circuits, impedance/admittance conversion, Power and power factor correction, power in steady state condition, mean power, apparent and reactive power, complex power, series and parallel resonance circuits, circuit analysis with loop equations, selection of loops, matrices, Kramer’s rule, input impedance, Thevenin’s and Norton’s rules, mutual inductance, transformers, three phase circuits, star/delta conversion, power sources, Rectifying circuits, filters, regulated power supplies, switch mode power supplies, types of high voltage systems, risks and dangers about operation with voltages higher than 1000 V., maintenance of such systems
Course Objectives
The main aim of the course is to introduce the students;
- Electrical safety, Basic concepts and laws,
- DC circuits, Resistors, Batteries, Serial, parallel and complex circuits,
- Magnetic circuits, Magnetism and Electromagnetic induction, Inductors,
- Transformer basics and Power Electronics
- Introduction of Alternating Current fundamentals Basics of series, parallel and combinational RLC circuits and analysis methods, resonance, three-phase circuit basics and star – Delta Transformation, Power supplies and Rectifier circuits, filters and circuit regulation. Operating and maintain power systems in excess of 1,000 volts.
Course Learning Outcomes
After completion of the course the students will acquire;
- Knowledge about safety precautions when working in electrical circuits,
- Information on Direct current (DC) circuits, voltage, current and resistance,
- The concepts of capacitance and identification of capacitance value in DC circuits,
- Knowledge about the principles and properties of magnetism,
- Knowledge about the principles and applications of power electronics Learn the basic concepts of Alternating current,
L and C in alternating current circuits, (AC)
- power and power factor in Alternative current circuits
- resonance and waveforms in AC circuits
- transformers,
- Principles of power supplies together with filters and regulation, Operate and maintain power systems in excess of 1,000 volts