- Position, position line and position circle
- The radar distance off a charted object and plots its position circle on a chart
- Ploting a position on the chart from simultaneous cross bearings and from bearing and distance
- The methods used to obtain simultaneous cross bearings with least error
- Dead Reckoning position (DR), estimated position and fixed position
- Ploting a dead reckoning position on the chart and marking accordingly
- Ploting an estimated position on the chart and marking accordingly
- Ploting position lines - straight line, circle
- Finding a position line by bearing, and transit line
- Determining a position by a combination of bearing, distance and the methods in the above objective
- Finding a position by simultaneous bearings of two objects
- Calculation of course to steer and distance between ports and waypoints, DR and EP
- Finding the distance that the ship will pass off a given point when abeam
- Constructing a position line to clear a navigational danger by a given distance