Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes
- Learn the fundamentals of Radar, including the following :
- Factors affecting performance and accuracy
- Setting up and maintaining displays
- Detection of misinterpretations of information, false echoes, sea return etc..
- Range and bearing, course and speed of other ships, time and distance of closest approach of crossing, meeting and overtaking ships
- Identifications of critical echoes, detecting course and speed changes of other ships, affect of changes in own ship course and speed or both.
- Application of the international Regulations for preventing collisions at sea
- Plotting techniques, relative and true motion concept
- Parallel indexing
2. Learn the principles of ARPA and operate and analyse information obtained from the systems, including the following:
- System performance and accuracy, tracking capabilities and limitations and processing the delays
- Use of operational warnings and system tests
- Methods of target acquisitions and their limitations
- True and relative vectors, graphic representation of target information and danger areas
- Deriving and analysing information , critical echoes, exclusion areas and trial manoeuvres
- Learn Echo Sounders and Speed Measurement
- Learn Basic Principals of Underwater Acoustics
- Learn Echo-Sounders
- Learn Speed Logs
4. Learn Steering and Control Systems
- Learn Automatic Pilot
5. Learn and use of Electronic Systems of Position Fixing and Navigation
- Satellite Navigation Systems
- Hyperbolic Navigation Systems (LORAN)