1. To introduce students to classification of Maritime Communications.
2. To introduce students to Morse, Code Flags and semaphore signaling procedures.
3. To introduce students to the phonetic alphabet; encoding and decoding messages; procedures as defined in the international code of signals.
4. To introduce students to International Maritime Organization (IMO) standard marine communication phrases (SMCP).
5. To introduce students to basic signaling methods to transmit and receive information.
6. To provide students exercise opportunity by using visual and audio communication means and basic transmit/receive procedures
7. To introduce students to Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and its elements
8. To introduce students to communication procedures of Distress, Urgency and Safety familiarization with; how to follow contingency plans in the event of emergencies and how to respond to distress signals.
9. To provide students a level of knowledge and ability to operate the GMDSS equipment efficiently and to take on the responsibility of distress communication