With the successful completion of the course the students will;
I. be able to understand the simple safety concepts ,when working on
electronic circuits ; personal safety and equipment -system safety.
II.be able to understand the mathematical techniques that are essential to
develope a good understanding of electronics- notations- variables and
constants-proportionality- representing data on graphs..
III.learn Desibells and Boolean algebra for logic circuits; the most common
types of electronic components,R,L,C i.e passive components; their
characteristics and applications in various circuits;
IV. be able to know the Ohm^s Laws- Kirschoff’s Rules etc... and several
techniques to simplify the complex circuits into simple ones; wave
shaping to be introduced using R.L and C.
V. be able to understand the basic alternating current (AC);the
terminology,waveforms and behaviour of the passive components in that
VI. know the basic structure, principles and the functional aspects of
transformers together with their use in electronic circuits.
VII.be able to understand the simplified structure of semiconductors, p-n
junctions and semiconductor diodes;their types – zener diodes-
thyristors- triacs –LED s.
VIII.learn sectional bipolar transistors ; their functions , circuit models
their use in applications and operational parameters such as – current
gain- amplification value...etc.
IX. be able to understand the features of microelectronics and
Integrated Circuit- structures and their practices .
X. be able to examine and understand the characteristics and use of power
supplies i.e rectification (half- full wave – bridge )- smoothing -
regulation and switch – mode power supplies, as well.
XI. be able to know electronic test equipment and measuring
instruments, meters,analoge- digital multi range/functionality
meters,connections to the circuits , and other measurement techniques
made by the use of oscilloscopes to measure pulse parameters as well. XII. be introduced with the wave generation, propagation, transmission,
antenna and waveguide principles that will be covered together with RF
Communication and Radar basics.