Issue Date : 27.09.2017
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MVHS Board Decision Number:
Course Name : Electronics
Degree: Associate's Degree
Local Credits
ECTS Credits
Course Implementation, Hours/Week
ETO 1012
I / 2 (Spring)
Electronic and Automation / Mechatronics
Ahmet Sefer
Contact Information
| Tel: 1765
Office Hours
Thursday; 14.00 – 16.00
Web page
Course Type
Course Language
Course Prerequisites
Course Category by Content, %
Basic Sciences
Engineering Science
Engineering Design
Course Description
Review of Circuit Theorems, Kirchhoff’s rules voltage and current dividers, mesh and nodal analysis; Basic characteristics of AC voltage and current sources, waveforms fundamentals of sinusoidal sources; Introduction to Operational Amplifier, ideal Amplifier Characteristics, terminal voltages and input currents of operational amplifiers; Operational Amplifiers in Closed loops: The inverting amplifiers, summing amplifiers, Non inverting amplifiers difference amplifiers, a more realistic Model for Operational amplifiers; Frequency Response of the systems and System Concepts. Analysing the circuits in terms of gain and phase of the systems.
Frequency Response of the systems RC RL filters, High Pass Low Pass Band-Pass Filters; Frequency Response of the systems RC RL filters, High Pass Low Pass Band-Pass Filters; Active Filters with operational amplifiers RC RL filters, High Pass Low Pass Band-Pass Filters their frequency responses amplitude; Introduction to semiconductor devices pn junctions and diodes; i-v characteristics of diodes; ideal diode model conduction states of active diodes and applications of them in circuits; Rectifier circuits, half wave and full wave rectifiers; The generalized process of fault finding in electronic circuits ; analysis of the information, list of possible causes ; identification and focussing on the most probable cause ; corrective action to be applied ; simple safety considerations ;approach to fault finding ; special components’ faults ;integrated circuit faults ; diodes tests
Course Objectives
The aim of the course is to let the students achieve the principles and the basic concepts of amplifiers; additionally students will acquire information and skills to tackle with operational amplifier applications and use the sources in power control and protection circuits ; they will have additional information about feedback terminologies and practices; oscillators ,signal generators will be described ; some practical circuits simulation and construction basics will be explained. In addition to that basics of semiconductor devices pn junction is described. Diodes principles and circuits with diodes are examined. Moreover, pnp or npn junctions and Bipolar junction transistors are examined.
Course Learning Outcomes
With the successful completion of the course the students;
- Have a knowledge about basic circuit theorems to apply electric and electronic circuit designs
- Should be able to understand the properties of amplifiers and the concepts of gain; input and output impedance. Description of the most common types will be learned together with operational characteristics; their classes and feedback.
- Analyze and design simple active filters, the principal limitations of operational amplifiers
- Be able to understand the physical significance of frequency domain analysis and the frequency response of circuits using AC circuit analysis tools
- Understands the basics of pn junction and physics behind the semiconductor devices
- Analyze and design circuits with diodes, and analysis of rectifier circuits
- Be able to know the basics of bipolar junction transistors: DC and Small signal analysis of BJTs
Instructional Methods and Techniques
The course will be presented with the lecture notes and the usage of Power point presentation technique. Problem solving techniques will additionally be utilized for better understanding of the course’s subjects. Simple circuit experiments and practical applications will also be carried out, as needed.
Tutorial Place
Co-term Condition
MAT 1001 Mathematic I,
FIZ 1001 Physic I,
ETO 1003 Electro-technique and Laboratory,
ETO 1011 Electro-technique I,
MAT1002 Mathematic II.
- Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering 5th Edition, Giorgio Rizzoni, McGraw-Hill, 2007
Other References
- James W. Nilsson and Susan A. Riedel, Electric Circuits, 10/E (International Edition), Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN -13: 978-0-13-705051-2 and ISBN-10: 0-13-705051-8.
- Mahmood Nahvi, Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits, 6 /E, McGraw-Hill, 2013. ISBN -13 : 978-0-071830454.
Homework & Projects
Practical investigations and problems at the end of each topic will be given as homework assignments.
Laboratory Work
In addition to the course 3 experimental works ın the laboratory will be carried out.
Computer Use
Other Activities