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Course Name : Electro-technics
Degree: Associate
Local Credits
Course Implementation, Hours/Week
ETO 1011
1/2 Spring)
Electronics and Automation / Mechatronics
Ahmet Sefer
Contact Information
| Tel: 1765
Office Hours
Thursday: 14.00 – 15.30
Web page
Course Type
Course Language
Course Prerequisites
Course Category by Content, %
Basic Sciences
Engineering Science
Engineering Design
Course Description
The course is designed to serve as a first course in the associate degree of marine engineering and computer programing programs. Hence, it is located in the core of the department subjects covering the electrical and electronic aspects.
In this context, circuit variables and elements, current voltage power and energy definitions, simple resistance circuits, circuit analysis techniques, AC sources, analysis of these sources in frequency and time domain, capacitor and inductor response to AC sources, RL RC and RLC circuits, instantaneous average and reactive power calculations, laboratory applications of these concepts, designs and assignments related to the topics to be covered constitute the main components of the course. Homework, design and laboratory exercises are also significant components of the course.
Course Objectives
This course is an introduction to the applications of electric electrics for higher vocational school’s students in technical and conceptual sense. For this reason, it provides the principles of the electrical circuit analysis to the associated departments that open the course. Students who take courses in this context
• Learn the basic laws of circuit analysis and apply them to the design and analysis of circuits. This includes node analysis, mesh analysis, Ohm's law, power analysis, and transient and steady state frequency response.
• Work in teams of 2-4 people to design and analyze circuits in laboratory sessions.
• Students solve, characterize and examine the problems, behaviors and frequency responses of the assignment respectively.
• Learn the basic concepts of personal accountability, professional ethics and appropriate team interactions.
• In addition, they learn circuit elements and circuit analysis techniques of the circuit throughout the semester.
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course students
I. Know and use SI units, voltage, current, power and energy definitions.
II. Understand the symbols and behaviors of ideal basic circuit elements.
III. Explain Ohm's law, Kirchoff's laws, and analyze simple circuits.
IV. Equivalent resistance, design voltage divider and current divider will be able to solve
V. Will be able to understand and use node-voltage and network-current methods, source transformation, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, maximum power transfer.
VI. Understand and use voltage, current, power and energy equations in inductors and capacitors and understand the basic concept of mutual inductance.
VII. For RL, RC and RLC; Be able to translate a sinusoidal source circuit into frequency domain and analyze circuits including linear and ideal transformer using phasor methods
VIII. Wave form in AC circuits and power and power factor in AC circuits.
Instructional Methods and Techniques
PowerPoint presentation, Lecture notes, Multimedia contents
Tutorial Place
Co-term Condition
- James W. Nilsson and Susan A. Riedel, Electric Circuits, 10/E (International Edition), Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN -13: 978-0-13-705051-2 and ISBN-10 : 0-13-705051-8.
Other References
- Elektrik Devrelerinin Temelleri ders notları, Prof.Dr.Uğur Çeltekligil
- Charles K. Alexander, Foundations of Electric Circuits, McGraw-Hill, 2013. ISBN-13: 978-1-259071393.
Homework & Projects
Laboratory Work
In addition to the course 4 experimental works ın the laboratory will be carried out.
Computer Use
Other Activities